Thursday, December 14, 2006

The Travels of Conrado

Conrado at the Mechanics Instiute Chess Club in San Francisco August 2006

Conrado Salazar has been a Chess Club member for the last five years.

Once a year, he travels to Mexico City, Mexico for five or six months. Conrado also went to California for his daughter's wedding and drove to the San Francisco's Mechanics Institute Chess Club. While traveling, Conrado visits chess clubs and sends pictures to me.

Front Entrance

Inside the club

Inside the club

Outside the club Visit the club website at

Here are some pictures from the Mexico City Chess Club.

Rafael Baltazar, IM, México - Rafael on the ICC - We play him on Friday night at the club between rounds on the Internet.

Tournament in Mexico City

I would like to thank Conrado for the pictures!

Ken Fee